: National Research Ethics Committees:
The leading resource on research ethics and integrity in Norway
Are you a researcher, do you work with research ethics at an institution, or are you perhaps a student? We provide advice to anyone involved in research.
If you need resources for teaching, you can find ideas here: Quick guide to course design
Perhaps you need advice concerning a specific research project? Our committees and commission consist of experts and laypeople with diverse competencies. They create guidelines, provide advice on research ethics in specific projects, and on the handling of possible research misconduct cases. Our committee on medical and health research serves as an appeal body for applications processed by regional committees. The Human Remains Committee provides advice on research involving human remains.
Contact the relevant committee, or send us a general inquiry at post@forskningsetikk.no, and we will assist you further.
National Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (NEM) |
National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT) |
National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH) |
National Commission for the Investigation of Research Misconduct (GRU) |
National Committee for Research Ethics on Human Remains (SKJ) |
Focus for 2025: Indigenous peoples and national minorities, and Artificial Intelligence |
Save the date: The Research Ethics Forum 2025 September 16th. |